EDITOR’s Research Paper: Dynamic Simulation Model of a Parabolic Trough Collector System with Concrete Thermal Energy Storage

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Among EDITOR project results dissemination activities, the members of the project consortium presented at #SolarPACES’2018 the research paper “Dynamic Simulation Model of a Parabolic Trough Collector System with Concrete Thermal Energy Storage for Process Steam Generation”.

This paper describes the dynamic simulation model, , of a parabolic trough collector loop with a thermal energy storage system for process steam generation execution as well as the validation of its results attained along startup stage of the plant.

You can now download EDITOR’s paper here:

At the conference SolarPACE 2019 held in Daegu (South Korea) last October, the project consortium has also presented two more papers. Their content is related to operational history and performance of the system, as well as to the sensitivity analysis and assessment of the dynamic simulation tool based on the actual plant data.  

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CADE Soluciones de Ingeniería

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